
What is a plugin?

A plugin is a JAR file that contains one or more classes with exactly one of them implementing software.coley.recaf.plugin.Plugin. When Recaf launches it looks in the plugins directory for JAR files that contain these plugin classes. It will then attempt to load and initialize them. Because a plugin is distributed as a JAR file a plugin developer can create complex logic and organize it easily across multiple classes in the JAR.

Using services

Plugins can use services by annotating the class with @Dependent and annotating the constructor with @Inject. For services that are application scoped, see this example:

import jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import software.coley.recaf.plugin.*;

// Dependent is a CDI annotation which loosely translates to being un-scoped.
// Plugin instances are managed by Recaf so the scope is bound to when plugins are loaded in practice.
class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
    private final WorkspaceManager workspaceManager;

    // Example, injecting the 'WorkspaceManager' service which is '@ApplicationScoped'
    public MyPlugin(WorkspaceManager workspaceManager) {
        this.workspaceManager = workspaceManager;

    public void onEnable() { ... }

    public void onDisable() { ... }

For services that are @WorkspaceScoped they will not be available on plugin initialization since no Workspace will be set/opened when this occurs. You can use CDI constructs like Instance<T> and use them as getters to work around this. Calling get() on the instance after a Workspace is opened will grab the workspace-scoped instance of the desired service. As an example here is a basic plugin that injects the InheritanceGraph service:

import jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import software.coley.recaf.plugin.*;

class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
    // We will use the workspace manager to listen to when new workspaces are opened.
    // When this occurs we can access instances of workspace scoped services.
    public MyPlugin(WorkspaceManager workspaceManager, 
                Instance<InheritanceGraph> graphProvider) {
        // No workspace open, wait until one is opened by the user.
        if (workspaceManager.getCurrent() == null) {
            workspaceManager.addWorkspaceOpenListener(newWorkspace -> {
                // This will be called AFTER the 'newWorkspace' value has been assigned
                // as the 'current' workspace in the workspace manager.
                // At this point, all workspace scoped services are re-allocated by CDI
                // to target the newly opened workspace.
                // Thus, we can get our inheritance graph of the workspace here.
                InheritanceGraph graph = graphProvider.get();
        } else {
            // There is a workspace, so we can immediately get the graph for the current workspace.
            InheritanceGraph graph = graphProvider.get();

    public void onEnable() { ... }

    public void onDisable() { ... }

For the list of available services, see the service lists.