User Documentation

Recaf is a modern Java and Android reverse engineering tool. This entails supporting many tasks such as providing an intuitive UI for navigating application logic, simplifying the process of modifying application behavior, and much more. You can read more about all of the other features provided by Recaf by reading the documentation.

Developer Documentation

Recaf is a modern Java and Android reverse engineering tool. This entails supporting many tasks such as providing an intuitive UI for navigating application logic, simplifying the process of modifying application behavior, and much more. You can read about the internals of Recaf, how to develop on top of them with plugins and scripts, and more by reading the documentation.

Getting Started

For plugin development

Most of what you need should be covered by:

  • CDI
    • This page talks about how injection is used in Recaf, which is used to access features within Recaf.
  • Services
    • This page links to the lists of different scoped services / features.
  • Plugins
    • This page talks about how to write plugins.

For contributing to Recaf directly

Contributing can cover a number of different tasks.

If you want to see what bugs need to be fixed and what features we want to add, visit the Recaf issue tracker on GitHub.

If you want to contribute documentation, visit the Recaf site project on GitHub.


These articles talk about the overall design of Recaf.



This portion of Recaf's source contains all of the back-end logic. This includes workspace modeling, services, and utilities.


This portion of Recaf's source is JavaFX application that enables interaction with features from core and api.

Important libraries

A brief overview of the major dependencies Recaf uses in each module.


JVM Bytecode Manipulation: Recaf uses ASM and CafeDude to parse bytecode. Most operations will be based on ASM since heavily abstracts away the class file format, making what would otherwise be tedious work simple. CafeDude is used for lower level operations and patching classes that are not compliant with ASM.

Android to Java Conversion: Recaf uses dex-translator to map the Dalvik bytecode of classes into JVM bytecode. This process is a bit lossy, but allows the use of JVM tooling (like the different decompilers) on Android content.

Android Dalvik Bytecode Manipulation: We are currently investigating on how to handle Dalvik manipulation.

ZIP Files: Recaf uses LL-Java-Zip to read ZIP files. The behavior of LL-Java-Zip is configurable and can mirror interpreting archives in different ways. This is important for Java reverse engineering since the JVM itself has some odd parsing quirks that most other libraries do not mirror. More information about this can be read on the LL-Java-Zip project page.

Source Parsing: Recaf uses OpenRewrite to parse Java source code. The major reasons for choosing this over other more mainstream parsing libraries are that:

  1. The AST model is error resilient. This is important since code Recaf is decompiling may not always yield perfectly correct Java code, especially with more intense forms of obfuscation. The ability to ignore invalid sections of the source while maintaining the ability to interact with recognizable portions is very valuable.
  2. The AST model bakes in the type, when known, to all AST nodes. For a node such as a method reference, you can easily access the name of the reference, the method descriptor of the reference, and the owning class defining the method. This information is what all of our context-sensitive actions must have access to in order to function properly.
  3. The AST supports easy source transformation options. In the past if a user wanted to remap a class or member, we would apply the mapping, decompile the mapped class, then replace the text contents with the new decompilation. This process can be slower on larger classes due to longer decompilation times. If we can skip that step and instead instantly transform the AST to update the text we can save a lot of time in these cases.
  4. The AST supports code formatting. We can allow the user to apply post-processing to decompiled code to give it a uniform style of their choosing, or allow them to format code to that style on demand with a keybind.

CDI: Recaf uses Weld as its CDI implementation. You can read the CDI article for more information.


JavaFX: Recaf uses JavaFX as its UI framework. The observable property model it uses makes managing live updates to UI components when backing data is changed easy. Additionally, it is styled via CSS which makes customizing the UI for Recaf-specific operations much more simple as opposed to something like Swing.

AtlantaFX: Recaf uses AtlantaFX to handle common theming.

Ikonli: Recaf uses Ikonli for scalable icons. Specifically the Carbon pack.

Docking: Recaf uses Tiwul-FX's docking framework for handling dockable tabs across all open windows.


Recaf as an application is a CDI container. This facilitates dependency injection throughout the application.

Context before jumping into CDI

If you are unfamiliar with dependency injection (DI) and DI frameworks, watch this video. It covers example cases where using DI makes sense, and how DI frameworks are used. While the series the video belongs to is for Dagger, the ideas apply globally to all DI frameworks.

What is CDI though?

CDI is Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE. If that sounds confusing here's what that actually means in practice. When a class implements one of Recaf's service interfaces we need a way to access that implementation so that the feature can be used. CDI uses annotations to determine when to allocate new instances of these implementations. The main three used in Recaf are the following:

  • @ApplicationScoped: This implementation is lazily allocated once and used for the entire duration of the application.
  • @WorkspaceScoped: This implementation is lazily allocated once, but the value is then thrown out when a new Workspace is loaded. This way when the implementation is requested an instance linked to the current workspace is always given.
  • @Dependent: This implementation is not cached, so a new instance is provided every time upon request. You can think of it as being "scopeless".

When creating a class in Recaf, you can supply these implementations in a constructor that takes in parameters for all the needed types, and is annotated with @Inject. This means you will not be using the constructor yourself. You will let CDI allocate it for you. Your new class can then also be used the same way via @Inject annotated constructors.

What does CDI look like in Recaf?

Let's assume a simple case. We'll create an interface outlining some behavior, like compiling some code. We will create a single implementation class and mark it as @ApplicationScoped since it is not associated with any specific state, like the current Recaf workspace.

interface Compiler {
    byte[] build(String src);

class CompilerImpl implements Compiler {
    Sbyte[] build(String src) { ... }

Then in our UI we can create a class that injects the base Compiler type. We do not need to know any implementation details. Because we have only one implementation the CDI container knows the grab an instance of CompilerImpl and pass it along to our constructor annotated with @Inject.

class CompilerGui {
    TextArea textEditor = ...
    // There is only one implementation of 'Compiler' which is 'CompilerImpl'
    @Inject CompilerGui(Compiler compiler) { this.compiler = compiler; }
    // called when user wants to save (CTRL + S)
    void onSaveRequest() {
        byte[] code =;

In this example, can I inject Compiler into multiple places?

Yes. Because the implementation CompilerImpl is ApplicationScoped the same instance will be used wherever you inject it into. Do recall, ApplicationScoped essentially means the class is a singleton.

What happens if there are multiple implemetations of Compiler?

If you use @Inject CompilerGui(Compiler compiler) with more than one available Compiler implementation, the injection will throw an exception. You need to qualify which one you want to use. While CDI comes with the ability to use annotations to differentiate between implementations, it is best to create a new sub-class/interface for each implementation and then use those in your @Inject constructor.

What if I want to inject or rquest a value later and not immediately in the constructor?

CDI comes with the type Instance<T> which serves this purpose. It implements Supplier<T> which allows you do to T value = instance.get().

class Foo {
	// ...

class FooManager {
    private final Instance<Foo> fooProvider;
    FooManager(Instance<Foo> fooProvider) {
        // We do not request the creation of Foo yet.
        this.fooProvider = fooProvider;
    T createFoo() {
        // Now we request the creation of Foo.
        // Since 'Foo' in this example is dependent, each returned value is a new instance.
        return fooProvider.get();

What if I want multiple implementations? Can I get all of them at once?

Recaf has multiple decompiler implementations built in. Lets look at a simplified version of how that works. Instead of declaring a parameter of Decompiler which takes one value, we use Instance<Decompiler> which can be used both a producer of a single value and as an Iterable<T> allowing us to loop over all known implementations of the Decompiler interface.

class DecompileManager {
    @Inject DecompileManager(Instance<Decompiler> implementations) {
        for (Decompiler implementation : implementations)

From here, we can define methods in DecompileManager to manage which decompile we want to use. Then in the UI, we @Inject this DecompileManager and use that to interact with Decompiler instances rather than directly doing so.

Can I mix what scopes I inject into a constructor?

I'd just like to point out, what you can and should do is not always a perfect match. As a general rule of thumb, what you inject as a parameter should be wider in scope than what the current class is defined as. Here's a table for reference.

I have a...I want to inject a...Should I do that?
ApplicationScoped classApplicationScoped parameter:heavy_check_mark: Yes
ApplicationScoped classWorkspaceScoped parameter:x: No
ApplicationScoped classDependent parameter:x: No
WorkspaceScoped classApplicationScoped parameter:heavy_check_mark: Yes
WorkspaceScoped classWorkspaceScoped parameter:heavy_check_mark: Yes
WorkspaceScoped classDependent parameter:x: No
Dependent classApplicationScoped parameter:heavy_check_mark: Yes
Dependent classWorkspaceScoped parameter:heavy_check_mark: Yes
Dependent classDependent parameter:heavy_check_mark: Yes

This table is for directly injecting types. If you have a Dependent type you can do Instance<Foo> like in the example above.

What if I need a value dynamically, and getting values from the constructor isn't good enough?

Firstly, reconsider if you're designing things effectively if this is a problem for you. Recall that you can use Instance<T> to essentially inject a producer of T. But on the off chance that there is no real alt In situations where providing values to constructors is not feasible, the Recaf class provides methods for accessing CDI managed types.

  • Instance<T> instance(Class<T>): Gives you a Supplier<T> / Iterable<T> for the requested type T. You can use Supplier.get() to grab a single instance of T, or use Iterable.iterator() to iterate over multiple instances of T if more than one implementation exists.
  • T get(Class<T>): Gives you a single instance of the requested type T.

How do I know which scope to use when making new services?

Services that are effectively singletons will be @ApplicationScoped.

Services that depend on the current content of a workspace will be @WorkspaceScoped.

  • In some cases, you may want to design a service as @ApplicationScoped and just pass in the Workspace as a method parameter. For instance, implementing a search. It needs Workspace access for sure, but the behavior is constant so it makes more sense to implement it this way as an @ApplicationScoped type.
  • A strong case for @WorkspaceScoped are services that directly correlate with the contents of a Workspace. For instance, the inheritance graph service. The data it models will only ever be relevant to an active workspace. Having to pass in a Workspace every time would make implementing caching difficult.

Components acting only as views and wrappers to other components can mirror their dependencies' scope, or use @Dependent since its not the view that really matters, but the data backing it.

Launching Recaf

When Recaf is launched, the Bootstrap class is used to initialize an instance of Recaf. The Bootstrap class creates a CDI container that is configured to automatically discover implementations of the services outlined in the api module. Once this process is completed, the newly made CDI container is wrapped in a Recaf instance which lasts for the duration of the application.

Why are so many UI classes @Dependent scoped?

There are multiple reasons.

1. On principle, they should not model/track data by themselves

For things like interactive controls that the user sees, they should not ever track data by themselves. If a control cannot be tossed in the garbage without adverse side effects, it is poorly designed. These controls provide visual access to the data within the Recaf instance (Like workspace contents), nothing more.

This is briefly mentioned before when discussing "how do I know which scope to use?".

2. CDI cannot create proxies of classes with final methods, which UI classes often define

UI classes like JavaFX's Menu often have methods marked as final to prevent extensions to override certain behavior. The Menu class's List<T> getItems() is one of these methods. This prevents any Menu type being marked as a scope like @ApplicationScoped since our CDI implementation heavily relies on proxies for scope management. When a class is @Dependent that means it effectively has no scope, so there is no need to wrap it in a proxy.

When are components created?

CDI instantiates components when they are first used. If you declare an @ApplicationScoped component, but it is never used anywhere, it will never be initialized.

If you want or need something to be initialized immediately when Recaf launches add the extra annotation @EagerInitialization. Any component that has this will be initialized at the moment defined by the value() in EagerInitialization. This annotation can be used in conjunction with @ApplicationScoped or @WorkspaceScoped.

There are two options:

IMMEDIATE: The component is initialized as soon as possible.

  • For @ApplicationScoped this occurs right after the CDI container is created.
  • For @WorkspaceScoped this occurs right after a workspace is opened.

AFTER_UI_INIT: The component is initialized after the UI platform is initialized.

  • For @ApplicationScoped this occurs right after the UI platform is initialized, as expected.
  • For @WorkspaceScoped this occurs right after a workspace is opened, with the assumption the UI is already initialized.

Be aware that any component annotated with this annotation forces all of its dependency components to also be initialized eagerly.

The workspace

A visual layout of the workspace model


  1. The primary resource is the input that is targeted for editing. If you drag and drop a single JAR file into Recaf, then this will represent that JAR file. The representation is broken down into pieces...
  2. The JVM class bundle contains all the .class files in the input that are not treated specially by the JVM.
  3. JAR files allow you to have multiple versions of the same class for different JVM versions via "Multi-release JAR". This is a map of JVM version numbers to bundles of classes associated with that specific version.
  4. Android's APK files may contain multiple containers of classes known as DEX files. This is a mapping of each DEX file to the classes contained within it.
  5. The file bundle contains all other regular files that are not ZIP archives.
  6. ZIP archives are represented as embedded resources, allowing a ZIP in a ZIP, or JAR in a JAR, to be navigable within Recaf.
  7. Workspaces can have multiple inputs. These additional inputs can be used to enhance performance of some services such as inheritance graphing, recompilation, and SSVM virtualization just to name a few. These supporting resources are not intended to be editable and are just there to "support" services as described before.
  8. Recaf adds a few of its own supporting resources, but manages them separately from the supporting resources list.
  9. The runtime resource allows Recaf to access classes in the current JVM process like java.lang.String.
  10. The android resource allows Recaf to access classes in the Android runtime. It is automatically loaded when a resource with DEX files is detected.

Creating workspaces

To create a Workspace instance you will almost always be using the BasicWorkspace implementation. You can pass along either:

  • A single WorkspaceResource for the primary resource.
  • A single WorkspaceResource for the primary resource, plus Collection<WorkspaceResource> for the supporting resources.

To create a WorkspaceResource you can use the ResourceImporter service, which allows you to read content from a variety of inputs.

Loading workspaces

There are multiple ways to load workspaces internally. Depending on your intent you'll want to do it differently.

For loading from Path values in a UI context, use PathLoadingManager. It will handle loading the content from the path in a background thread, and gives you a simple consumer type to handle IO problems.

Otherwise, you can use WorkspaceManager directly to call setCurrent(Workspace).

Exporting workspaces

You can create an instance of WorkspaceExportOptions and configure them to suite your needs. The options allow you to change:

  • The compression scheme of contents.
    • MATCH_ORIGINAL which will only compress items if they were originally compressed when read.
    • SMART which will only compress items if compression yields a smaller output than a non-compressed item. Very small files may become larger with compression due to the overhead of the compression scheme's dictionary.
    • ALWAYS which always compresses items.
    • NEVER which never compresses items.
  • The output type, being a file or directory.
  • The path to write to.
  • The option to bundle contents of supporting resources into the exported output.
  • The option to create ZIP file directory entries, if the output type is FILE. This creates empty entries in the output of ZIP/JAR files detailing directory paths. Some tools may use this data, but its not required for most circumstances.

The configured options instance can be re-used to export contents with the same configuration multiple times. To export a workspace do options.create() to create a WorkspaceExporter which then allows you to pass a Workspace instance.


The WorkspaceManager allows you to register listeners for multiple workspace events.

  • WorkspaceOpenListener: When a new workspace is opened within the manager.
  • WorkspaceCloseListener: When a prior workspace is closed within the manager.
  • WorkspaceModificationListener: When the active workspace's model is changed (Supporting resource added/removed)

When creating services and CDI enabled classes, you can annotate the class with @AutoRegisterWorkspaceListeners to automatically register and unregister the class based on what is necessary for the CDI scope.

Accessing classes/files in the workspace

Classes and files reside within the WorkspaceResource items in a Workspace. You can access the resources directly like so:

// Content the user intends to edit
WorkspaceResource resource = workspace.getPrimaryResource();

// Content to support editing, but is not editable
List<WorkspaceResource> resources = workspace.getSupportingResources();

// All content in the workspace, which may include internally managed 
// supporting resources if desired. Typically 'false'.
List<WorkspaceResource> resources = workspace.getAllResources(includeInternal);

As described in the workspace model above, resources have multiple "bundles" that contain content. The groups exist to facilitate modeling a variety of potential input types that Recaf supports. Bundles that represent classes share a common type ClassBundle and then are broken down further into JvmClassBundle and AndroidClassBundle where relevant. Bundles that represent files are only ever FileBundle.

// Contains JVM classes
JvmClassBundle bundle = resource.getJvmClassBundle();

// Contains JVM classes, grouped by the version of Java targeted by each class
NavigableMap<Integer, VersionedJvmClassBundle> bundles = resource.getVersionedJvmClassBundles();

// Contains Android classes, grouped by the name of each DEX file
Map<String, AndroidClassBundle> bundles = resource.getAndroidClassBundles();

// Contains files
FileBundle bundle = resource.getFileBundle();

// Contains files that represent archives, with a model of the archive contents
Map<String, WorkspaceFileResource> embeddedResources = resource.getEmbeddedResources();

These bundles are Map<String, T> and Iterable<T> where T is the content type.

JvmClassBundle classBundle = resource.getJvmClassBundle();
FileBundle fileBundle = resource.getFileBundle();

// Get JVM class by name (remember to null check)
JvmClassInfo exampleClass = classBundle.get("com/example/Example");

// Looping over bundles
for (JvmClassInfo classInfo : classBundle)
for (FileInfo fileInfo : fileBundle)

// There are also stream operations to easily iterate over multiple bundles at once.
         .forEach(classInfo -> {
             // All classes in all bundles that hold 'ClassInfo' values
             // including JvmClassBundle and AndroidClassBundle instances

Finding specific classes/files in the workspace

The Workspace interface defines some find operations allowing for simple name look-ups of classes and files.

ClassPathNode findClass(String internalName)Finds the first available ClassInfo by the given name, and wraps it in a ClassPathNode.
ClassPathNode findJvmClass(String internalName)Finds the first available JvmClassInfo by the given name, and wraps it in a ClassPathNode.
ClassPathNode findLatestVersionedJvmClass(String internalName)Finds the most up-to-date JvmClassInfo from all available versioned bundles, wrapping it in a ClassPathNode.
ClassPathNode findVersionedJvmClass(String internalName, int version)Finds the first available JvmClassInfo matching the given version (Floored to next available older version), and wraps it in a ClassPathNode
ClassPathNode findAndroidClass(String internalName)Finds the first available AndroidClassInfo by the given name, and wraps it in a ClassPathNode.
DirectoryPathNode findPackage(String name)Finds the first available ClassInfo defined in the given package, or any sub-package, then wraps the path in a DirectoryPathNode.
SortedSet<ClassPathNode> findClasses(Predicate<ClassInfo> filter)Collects all ClassInfo values in the workspace that match the given predicate, and wraps each in a ClassPathNode. The returned set ordering for paths is alphabetic order.
SortedSet<ClassPathNode> findJvmClasses(Predicate<JvmClassInfo> filter)Collects all JvmClassInfo values in the workspace that match the given predicate, and wraps each in a ClassPathNode. The returned set ordering for paths is alphabetic order.
SortedSet<ClassPathNode> findVersionedJvmClasses(Predicate<JvmClassInfo> filter)Collects all versioned JvmClassInfo values in the workspace that match the given predicate, and wraps each in a ClassPathNode. The returned set ordering for paths is alphabetic order.
SortedSet<ClassPathNode> findAndroidClasses(Predicate<AndroidClassInfo> filter)Collects all AndroidClassInfo values in the workspace that match the given predicate, and wraps each in a ClassPathNode. The returned set ordering for paths is alphabetic order.
FilePathNode findFile(String filePath)Finds any available FileInfo by the given name, and wraps it in a FilePathNode.
SortedSet<FilePathNode> findFiles(Predicate<FileInfo> filter)Collects all FileInfo values in the workspace that match the given predicate, and wraps each in a FilePathNode. The returned set ordering for paths is alphabetic order.

Plugins & Scripts

  • Plugins - Plugins are containers which can integrate with any of Recaf's services, can be loaded/unloaded, and are started when Recaf opens by default.
  • Scripts - Scripts are small one-shot actions that can be as simple or complex as you want, so long as it all fits in a single Java source file. They're basically small plugins that are only run when the user requests them to.


What is a plugin?

A plugin is a JAR file that contains one or more classes with exactly one of them implementing software.coley.recaf.plugin.Plugin. When Recaf launches it looks in the plugins directory for JAR files that contain these plugin classes. It will then attempt to load and initialize them. Because a plugin is distributed as a JAR file a plugin developer can create complex logic and organize it easily across multiple classes in the JAR.

You can find a template project for creating plugins on GitHub at Recaf-Plugins/Recaf-4x-plugin-workspace.

Using services

Plugins can use services by annotating the class with @Dependent and annotating the constructor with @Inject. For services that are application scoped, see this example:

import jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import software.coley.recaf.plugin.*;

// Dependent is a CDI annotation which loosely translates to being un-scoped.
// Plugin instances are managed by Recaf so the scope is bound to when plugins are loaded in practice.
@PluginInformation(id = "##ID##", version = "##VERSION##", name = "##NAME##", description = "##DESC##")
class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
    private final WorkspaceManager workspaceManager;

    // Example, injecting the 'WorkspaceManager' service which is '@ApplicationScoped'
    public MyPlugin(WorkspaceManager workspaceManager) {
        this.workspaceManager = workspaceManager;

    public void onEnable() { ... }

    public void onDisable() { ... }

For services that are @WorkspaceScoped they will not be available on plugin initialization since no Workspace will be set/opened when this occurs. You can use CDI constructs like Instance<T> and use them as getters to work around this. Calling get() on the instance after a Workspace is opened will grab the workspace-scoped instance of the desired service. As an example here is a basic plugin that injects the InheritanceGraph service:

import jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import software.coley.recaf.plugin.*;

@PluginInformation(id = "##ID##", version = "##VERSION##", name = "##NAME##", description = "##DESC##")
class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
    // We will use the workspace manager to listen to when new workspaces are opened.
    // When this occurs we can access instances of workspace scoped services.
    public MyPlugin(WorkspaceManager workspaceManager, 
                Instance<InheritanceGraph> graphProvider) {
        // No workspace open, wait until one is opened by the user.
        if (workspaceManager.getCurrent() == null) {
            workspaceManager.addWorkspaceOpenListener(newWorkspace -> {
                // This will be called AFTER the 'newWorkspace' value has been assigned
                // as the 'current' workspace in the workspace manager.
                // At this point, all workspace scoped services are re-allocated by CDI
                // to target the newly opened workspace.
                // Thus, we can get our inheritance graph of the workspace here.
                InheritanceGraph graph = graphProvider.get();
        } else {
            // There is a workspace, so we can immediately get the graph for the current workspace.
            InheritanceGraph graph = graphProvider.get();

    public void onEnable() { ... }

    public void onDisable() { ... }

For the list of available services, see the service lists.

CDI within Plugins

Plugins are capable of injecting Recaf's services in the plugin's constructor. Plugins themselves are only capable of being @Dependent scoped and cannot declare any injectable components themselves. For instance, if you want to create a new JvmDecompiler implementation that pulls in another Recaf service, you need to inject that service into the plugin's constructor and pass it to the JvmDecompiler implementation manually.

The reason for this is that once the CDI container is initialized at startup it cannot be modified. We can inject new classes with services already in the container, but nothing new can be added at runtime.

Plugins and JavaFX

Plugins are loaded before JavaFX initializes. If your plugin has code that works with JavaFX classes or modifies Recaf's UI then you need to wrap that code in a -> { ... }) call.

You can still inject most UI services directly like MainMenuProvider, but when calling its methods you have to be careful. There may be some services or injectable components that are a bit more finicky and will require Instance<ThingIWantToInject> instead to work around this, where you call instance.get() inside the -> { ... }) call to get the instance when JavaFX has been initialized.


What is a script?

A script is a single Java source file that is executed by users whenever they choose. They can be written as a full class to support similar capabilities to plugins such as service injection, or in a short-hand that offers automatic imports of most common utility classes, but no access to services.

Full class script

A full class script is just a regular class that defines a non-static void run(). The run() method is called whenever the user executes the script.

// ==Metadata==
// @name Hello world
// @description Prints hello world
// @version 1.0.0
// @author Author
// ==/Metadata==

class MyScript {
    // must define 'void run()'
    void run() {

You can access any of Recaf's services by declaring a constructor annotated with @Inject. More information on this is located further down the page.

Shorthand script

A shorthand script lets you write your logic without needing to declare a class and run() method. These shorthand scripts are given a variable reference to the current workspace, and a SLF4J logger. You can access the current workspace as workspace and the logger as log.

// ==Metadata== 
// @name What is open?
// @description Prints what kinda workspace is open
// @version 1.0.0
// @author Author
// ==/Metadata==

String name = "(empty)";
if (workspace != null)
    name = workspace.getClass().getSimpleName();"Workspace = {}", name);

Another example working with the provided workspace:

// Print out all enum names in the current workspace, if one is open.
if (workspace == null) return;
    .map(c -> c.getValue().getName())
    .forEach(name ->"Enum: {}", name));

Using services

Scripts are ran when a user requests them, so you generally do not need to care about whether a service is @ApplicationScoped or @WorkspaceScoped. The assumption is the user will run the script when it is needed. So a script that uses workspace-scoped content will only be used when a workspace is opened. Of course, if the script is going to load a new workspace, then you will need to follow the same process as described for plugins when using workspace scoped services.

Simple scripts do not use services. Scripts using the full class form will be able to use services.

// ==Metadata==
// @name Content loader
// @description Script to load content from a pre-set path.
// @version 1.0.0
// @author Col-E
// ==/Metadata==

import jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import software.coley.recaf.workspace.model.BasicWorkspace;
import software.coley.recaf.workspace.model.Workspace;
import software.coley.recaf.workspace.model.resource.WorkspaceResource;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class LoadContentScript {
    private static final Logger logger = Logging.get("load-script");
    private final ResourceImporter importer;
    private final WorkspaceManager workspaceManager;

    // We're injecting the importer to load 'WorkspaceResource' instances from paths on our system
    // then we use the workspace manager to set the current workspace to the loaded content.
    public LoadContentScript(ResourceImporter importer, WorkspaceManager workspaceManager) {
        this.importer = importer;
        this.workspaceManager = workspaceManager;

    // Scripts following the class model must define a 'void run()'
    public void run() {
        String path = "C:/Samples/Test.jar";
        try {
            // Load resource from path, wrap it in a basic workspace
            WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(Paths.get(path));
            Workspace workspace = new BasicWorkspace(resource);

            // Assign the workspace so the UI displays its content
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Failed to read content from '{}' - {}", path, ex.getMessage());

For the list of available services, see the service lists.


As Recaf is driven by CDI, almost all of its features are defined as @Inject-able service classes.

Application scoped services

These services are available for injection at any point.


These are the services defined in the core module.


The ui module defines a number of new service types dedicated to UI behavior.

  • Actions
  • CellConfigurationService (Wraps these services)
    • ContextMenuProviderService
    • IconProviderService
    • TextProviderService
  • ConfigComponentManager
  • ConfigIconManager
  • FileTypeSyntaxAssociationService
  • NavigationManager
  • PathExportingManager
  • PathLoadingManager
  • ResourceSummaryService
  • WindowFactory
  • WindowManager


The attach manager allows you to:

  • Inspect what JVM processes are running on the current machine
    • Get value of System.getProperties() of the remote JVM
    • Get the name of the remote JVM's starting main class (Entry point)
    • Get JMX bean information from the remote JVM
    • Register listeners for when new JVM processes start
  • Connect to these JVM processes and represent their content as a WorkspaceRemote

Inspecting available JVMs

The Attach API lists available JVM's via VirtualMachine.list(). AttachManager builds on top of that, offering easier access to each available JVM's properties, starting main class, and JMX beans.

By default, Recaf does not scan the system for running JVM's unless the attach window is open. The refresh rate for scans is once per second. When a new JVM is found Recaf queries it for the information listed above and caches the results. These operations typically involve a bit of tedious error handling and managing the connection state to the remote JVM, but now all you need is just a single call to one of AttachManager's getters.

Example: Manual scans & printing discovered JVMs

// Register listener to print the number of new/old VM's on the system
//  - Each parameter is Set<VirtualMachineDescriptor>
attachManager.addPostScanListener((added, removed) -> {"Update: {} new instances, {} instances were closed",
        added.size(), removed.size());
// Scan for new JVMs every second
    .scheduleAtFixedRate(attachManager::scan, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Example: Get information of a remote JVM

// The 'descriptor' is a VirtualMachineDescriptor, which we can listen for new values of
// by looking at the example above.
int pid = attachManager.getVirtualMachinePid(descriptor);
Properties remoteProperties = attachManager.getVirtualMachineProperties(descriptor);
String mainClass = attachManager.getVirtualMachineMainClass(descriptor);

Example: Access JMX bean information of a remote JVM

// Recaf has a wrapper type for the JMX connection which grants one-liner access to common beans.
JmxBeanServerConnection jmxConnection = attachManager.getJmxServerConnection(descriptor);

// Available beans
MBeanInfo beanClassLoading = jmxConnection.getClassloadingBeanInfo();
MBeanInfo beanCompilation = jmxConnection.getCompilationBeanInfo();
MBeanInfo beanOperatingSystem = jmxConnection.getOperatingSystemBeanInfo();
MBeanInfo beanRuntime = jmxConnection.getRuntimeBeanInfo();
MBeanInfo beanThread = jmxConnection.getThreadBeanInfo();
MBeanInfo beanOperatingSystem = jmxConnection.getOperatingSystemBeanInfo();
MBeanInfo beanOperatingSystem = jmxConnection.getOperatingSystemBeanInfo();

// Iterating over bean contents
MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = beanRuntime.getAttributes();
try {
    for (MBeanAttributeInfo attribute : attributes) {
        String name = attribute.getName();
        String description = attribute.getDescription();
        Object value = beanInfo.getAttributeValue(jmxConnection, attribute);"{} : {} == {}", name, description, value);
} catch (Exception ex) {
    logger.error("Failed to retrieve attribute values", ex);

Connecting to remote JVMs

To interact with remote JVMs instrumentation capabilities Recaf initializes a small TCP server in the remote JVM using Instrumentation Server. The WorkspaceRemoteVmResource type wraps the client instance that interacts with this server. To connect to the remote server you need to call connect() on the created WorkspaceRemoteVmResource value.

// Once we create a remote resource, we call 'connect' to activate the remote server in the process.
// For 'WorkspaceRemoteVmResource' usage, see the section under the workspace model category.
WorkspaceRemoteVmResource vmResource = attachManager.createRemoteResource(descriptor);

// Can set the current workspace to load the remote VM in the UI.
workspaceManager.setCurrent(new BasicWorkspace(vmResource));


The comment manager allows you to:

  • Access all comments within a Workspace via WorkspaceComments
    • Look up comment information on a class, field or method via PathNode
    • Iterate over commented classes as ClassComments
    • Add, update, or remove comments utilizing ClassComments
  • Create listeners which are notified when:
    • New comment containers (per class) are created
    • Comments are updated

Comments are displayed in the UI by injecting them into the decompilation process. Before a class is sent to the decompiler, it is intercepted and unique annotations are inserted at commented locations. After the decompiler yields output the unique annotations are replaced with the comments they are associated with. The comments are stored in the Recaf directory, no modifications are made to the contents of the Workspace when adding/editing/removing comments.

Comments added to items in a workspace are stored externally from the workspace in the Recaf directory.

Getting the desired WorkspaceComments

Recaf can store comments across multiple Workspace instances. So how do you get the comments from the one you want?

Assuming Recaf has a Workspace already opened and you want the comments of the current workspace:

// Will be 'null' if no workspace is open in Recaf
WorkspaceComments workspaceComments = commentManager.getCurrentWorkspaceComments();

If you have a Workspace instance you want to get the comments of:

Workspace workspace = ... // Get or create a workspace here
WorkspaceComments workspaceComments = commentManager.getOrCreateWorkspaceComments(workspace);

Note: Comments in relationship to a Workspace are stored by a unique identifier associated with the Workspace. The identifier is pulled from the workspace's primary resource.

  • WorkspaceResource instances loaded from file paths use the file path as the unique ID.
  • WorkspaceResource instances loaded from directory paths use the directory path as the unique ID.
  • WorkspaceResource instances loaded from a remove agent connection use the remote VM's identifier as the unique ID.

Getting an existing comment

For classes:

ClassPathNode classPath = workspace.findClass("com/example/Foo");

// Option 1: Lookup via generic PathNode
String comment = workspaceComments.getComment(classPath);

// Option 2: Lookup via ClassPathNode
String comment = workspaceComments.getClassComment(classPath);

// Option 3: Lookup the container of the class, then its comment
ClassComments classComments = workspaceComments.getClassComments(classPath);
if (classComments != null)
    String comment = classComments.getClassComment();

For fields and methods:

ClassPathNode classPath = workspace.findClass("com/example/Foo");
ClassMemberPathNode memberPath = preMappingPath.child("stringField", "Ljava/lang/String;");

// Option 1: Lookup via generic PathNode
String comment = workspaceComments.getComment(memberPath);

// Option 2: Lookup the container of the class, then its comment
ClassComments classComments = workspaceComments.getClassComments(classPath);
if (classComments != null) {
    String comment = classComments.getMethodComment(memberPath.getValue());
    // You can also pass strings for the name/descriptor
    String comment = getMethodComment("stringField", "Ljava/lang/String;");

Getting all existing comments

A ClassComments by itself does not expose a reference to the ClassPathNode it is associated with. The instances created by the comment manager during runtime do keep a reference though, so using instanceof DelegatingClassComments will allow you to get the associated ClassPathNode and in turn iterate over the class's fields and methods.

WorkspaceComments workspaceComments = commentManager.getCurrentWorkspaceComments();
for (ClassComments classComments : workspaceComments) {
    String classComment = classComments.getClassComment();
    // This subtype of class comment container records the associated class path.
    if (classComments instanceof DelegatingClassComments delegatingClassComments) {
        ClassPathNode classPath = delegatingClassComments.getPath();
        // We can iterate over the fields/methods held by the path's class
        ClassInfo classInfo = classPath.getValue();
        for (FieldMember field : classInfo.getFields()) {
            String fieldComment = classComments.getFieldComment(field);
        for (MethodMember method : classInfo.getMethods()) {
            String fieldComment = classComments.getMethodComment(method);

Adding / editing / removing comments

Adding and modifying comments is done by set methods on a ClassComments instance. Comments can be removed by passing null as the comment parameter.

ClassPathNode classPath = workspace.findClass("com/example/Foo");
ClassComments classComments = workspaceComments.getOrCreateClassComments(classPath);

// Adding a comment to the class
classComments.setClassComment("class comment");

// Removing the comment

// Adding a comment to a field in the class
classComments.setFieldComment("stringField", "Ljava/lang/String;", "Field comment");

// Adding a comment to a method in the class
classComments.setMethodComment("getStringField", "()Ljava/lang/String;", "Method comment");

Listening for new comments

If you want to track where comments are being made, you can register a CommentUpdateListener:

commentManager.addCommentListener(new CommentUpdateListener() {
    // Only implementing the class comment method, the same idea can
    // be applied to the field and method listener calls.
    public void onClassCommentUpdated(@Nonnull ClassPathNode path, @Nullable String comment) {
        if (comment == null)
  "Comment removed on class '{}'", path.getValue().getName());
  "Comment updated on class '{}'", path.getValue().getName());


The config manager allows you to:

  • Iterate over all ConfigContainer instances across Recaf
  • Register and unregister your own ConfigContainer values
    • Useful for plugin developers who want to expose config values in the UI
  • Register and unregister listeners which are notified when new ConfigContainer values are registered and unregistered.

Iterating over registered containers

for (ConfigContainer container : configManager.getContainers())"Container group={}, id={}", container.getGroup(), container.getId());

Registering and unregistering new containers

To add content to the config window create a ConfigContainer instance with some ConfigValue values and register it in the config manager. The config window is configured to listen to new containers and add them to the UI.

// If you have your own class to represent config values,
//  you will probably want to extend from 'BasicConfigContainer' and add values
//  in the class's constructor via 'addValue(ConfigValue);'
//  You can reference most existing config classes for examples of this setup.
ConfigContainer container = ...

When creating a ConfigContainer class, it generally would be easiest to extend BasicConfigContainer and then use the addValue(ConfigValue) method.

public class MyThingConfig extends BasicConfigContainer {
    private final ObservableString value = new ObservableString(null);

    public MyConfig() {
        // Third party plugins should use 'EXTERNAL' as their group. 
        // This special group is treated differently in the config window UI,
        // such that the ID's specified are text literals, and not translation keys.
        super(ConfigGroups.EXTERNAL, "My thing config");
        // Add values
        addValue(new BasicConfigValue<>("My value", String.class, value));

    public ObservableString getValue() {
        return value;

Internal services within Recaf define their configs as ApplicationScoped so that they are discoverable by the manager when the manager is initialized. This allows all services to feed their configs into the system when the application launches.

Listening for new containers

configManager.addManagedConfigListener(new ManagedConfigListener() {
    public void onRegister(@Nonnull ConfigContainer container) {"Registered container: {} with {} values", 
                container.getGroupAndId(), container.getValues().size());
    public void onUnregister(@Nonnull ConfigContainer container) {"Unregistered container: {} with {} values",
                container.getGroupAndId(), container.getValues().size());


The decompile manager allows you to:

  • Decompile a JvmClassInfo or AndroidClassInfo with:
    • The current preferred JVM or Android decompiler
    • A provided decompiler
  • Register and unregister additional decompilers
  • Pre-process classes before they are decompiled
  • Post-process output from decompilers

Using the decompile calls in this manager will schedule the tasks in a shared thread-pool. Calling the decompile methods on the Decompiler instances directly is a blocking operation. If you want to decompile many items it would be best to take advantage of the manager due to the pool usage. Additionally, decompiling via the manager will facilitate the caching of decompilation results and globally specified filters.

Choosing a decompiler

There are a number of ways to grab a Decompiler instance. The operations are the same for JVM and Android implementations.

// Currently configured target decompiler
JvmDecompiler decompiler = decompilerManager.getTargetJvmDecompiler();

// Specific decompiler by name
JvmDecompiler decompiler = decompilerManager.getJvmDecompiler("cfr");

// Any decompiler matching some condition, falling back to the target decompiler
JvmDecompiler decompiler = decompilerManager.getJvmDecompilers().stream()
                .filter(d -> d.getName().equals("procyon"))

Decompiling a class

If you want to pass a specific decompiler, get an instance and pass it to the decompile functions provided by DecompileManager:

  • decompile(Workspace, JvmClassInfo) - Uses the target decompiler (specified in the config)
  • decompile(JvmDecompiler, Workspace, JvmClassInfo) - Uses the specified decompiler passed to the method
JvmDecompiler decompiler = ...;

// Handle result when it's done.
decompilerManager.decompile(decompiler, workspace, classToDecompile)
        .whenComplete((result, throwable) -> {
            // Throwable thrown when unhandled exception occurs.

// Or, block until result is given, then handle it in the same thread.
// Though at this point, you should really just invoke the decompile method on the
// decompiler itself rather than incorrectly use the pooled methods provided by
// the decompile manager.
DecompileResult result = decompilerManager.decompile(decompiler, workspace, classToDecompile)
    .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Pre-processing decompiler input

The decompiler manager allows you to register filters for inputs fed to decompilers. This allows you to modify the contents of classes in any arbitrary way prior to decompilation, without actually making a change to the class in the workspace.

Here is an example where we strip out all debug information (Generics, local variable names, etc):

JvmBytecodeFilter debugRemovingFilter = (workspace, classInfo, bytecode) -> {
    // The contents we return here will be what is fed to the decompiler, instead of the original class present in the workspace.
    ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(0);
    classInfo.getClassReader().accept(writer, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG);
    return writer.toByteArray();

// The filter can be added/removed to/from all decompilers by using the decompile manager.

// If you want to only apply the filter to one decompiler, you can do that as well.

Post-processing decompiler output

Similar to pre-processing, the output of decompilation can be filtered via the decompiler manager's filters. They operate on the String output of decompilers.

OutputTextFilter tabConversionFilter = (workspace, classInfo, code) -> {
    return code.replace("    ", "\t");

// Add/remove to/from all decompilers

// Add/remove to/from a single decompiler


The Gson provider manages a shared Gson instance and allows services and plugins to register custom JSON serialization support. This serves multiple purposes:

  • JSON formatting is shared across services that use it for serialization
  • Services can register custom serialization for private types (See KeybindingConfig for an example of this)
  • Plugins that register custom config containers with ConfigManager can register support for their own custom types.

Registering custom serialization

The Gson provider offers methods that allows registering the following:

  • TypeAdapter - For handling serialization and deserialization of a type.
  • InstanceCreator - For assisting construction of types that do not provide no-arg constructors.
  • JsonSerializer - For specifying serialization support only.
  • JsonDeserializer - For specifying deserialization support only.

For more details on how to use each of the given types, see the Gson JavaDocs.


gsonProvider.addTypeAdapter(ExampleType.class, new TypeAdapter<>() {
    public void write(JsonWriter out, ExampleType value) throws IOException {
        // Manual serialization of 'value'  goes here using 'out'
    public ExampleType read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
        // Manual deserialization of the type from 'in' goes here
        return new ExampleType(...);


gsonProvider.addTypeInstanceCreator(ExampleType.class, type -> new ExampleType(...));


gsonProvider.addTypeSerializer(ExampleType.class, (src, typeOfSrc, context) -> {
    // Manual serialization of 'T src' into a 'JsonElement' return value goes here
    return new JsonObject();


gsonProvider.addTypeDeserializer(ExampleType.class, (json, typeOfT, context) -> {
    // Manual deserialization of (JsonElement json) goes here
    return new ExampleType(...);


The info importer can import a Info from a ByteSource. Since Info defines isClass/asClass and isFile/asFile you can determine what sub-type the item is through those methods, or instanceof checks.


Reading a class file:

// Wrap input in ByteSource.
byte[] classBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("HelloWorld.class"));
ByteSource source = ByteSources.wrap(classBytes);

// Parse into an info object.
Info read = importer.readInfo("HelloWorld", source);

// Cast to 'JvmClassInfo' with 'asX' methods
JvmClassInfo classInfo = read.asClass().asJvmClass();

// Or use instanceof
if (read instanceof JvmClassInfo classInfo) {
	// ...

Reading a generic file and doing an action based off the type of content it is (Like text/images/video/audio/etc):

// Wrap input in ByteSource.
byte[] textRaw = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("Unknown.dat"));
ByteSource source = ByteSources.wrap(textRaw);

// Parse into an info object.
Info read = importer.readInfo("Unknown.dat", source);

// Do action based on file type.
FileInfo readFile = read.asFile();
if (readFile.isTextFile()) {
	TextFileInfo textFile = readFile.asTextFile();
	String text = textFile.getText();
	// ...
} else if (readFile.isVideoFile()) {
	VideoFileInfo videoFile = readFile.asVideoFile();
	// ...


The javac compiler is just a service wrapping the standard JDK javac API with some quality of life improvements. All the arguments for the compiler are created through the JavacArgumentsBuilder type.


The following samples can be used within this sample script:

public class CompilerScript {
    private final JavacCompiler javac;

    public CompilerScript(JavacCompiler javac) {
        this.javac = javac;

    public void run() {
        // code goes here

Compiling "Hello World"

The most common case, taking some source code and compiling it. You are required to specify the name of the class being compiled as an internal name (Example: com/example/Foo) and the source. Any extra arguments are optional.

// Compile a 'hello world' application
JavacArguments arguments = new JavacArgumentsBuilder()
                public class HelloWorld {
                    public static void main(String[] args) {
                        System.out.println("Hello world");

// Run compiler and handle results
CompilerResult result = javac.compile(arguments, null, null);
if (result.wasSuccess()) {
    CompileMap compilations = result.getCompilations();
    compilations.forEach((name, bytecode) -> {
        // Do something with name/bytecode pair

Handling compiler feedback/errors

Compiler feedback is accessible from the returned CompilerResult as List<CompilerDiagnostic> getDiagnostics().

result.getDiagnostics().forEach(diagnostic -> {
    if (diagnostic.level() != CompilerDiagnostic.Level.ERROR) return;
    System.err.println(diagnostic.line() + ":" + diagnostic.column() + " --> " + diagnostic.message());

Changing the compiled bytecode target version

Adapting the setup from before, you can change the target bytecode version via withVersionTarget(int). This takes the release version of Java you wish to target. This is equivalent to javac --release N where N i the version. Because this uses the JDK environment you ran Recaf with the supported versions here are tied to what javac supports.

// Compile a 'hello world' application against Java 11
int version = 11;
JavacArguments arguments = new JavacArgumentsBuilder()
                public class HelloWorld {
                    public static void main(String[] args) {
                        System.out.println("Hello world");

Downsampling the compiled bytecode instead of directly targeting it

Alternatively you may want to downsample compiled code instead of targeting that version from within the compiler. This allows you to use new language features while still targeting older versions of Java.

// Compile a 'hello world' application but downsample it to an older version
JavacArguments arguments = new JavacArgumentsBuilder()
        .withDownsampleTarget(8) // Downsample to Java 8
                public class HelloWorld {
                    public static void main(String[] args) {
                    private static String message() {
                        int r = new java.util.Random().nextInt(5);
                        // Using switch expressions, which do not exist in Java 8
                        return switch (r) {
                            case 0 -> "Zero";
                            case 1 -> "One";
                            case 2 -> "Two";
                            default -> "Three or more";

Compiling code with references to classes in the Workspace

All you need to do is call compile(JavacArguments arguments, Workspace workspace, JavacListener listener) with a non-null Workspace instance. This will automatically include it as a classpath entry, allowing you to compile code referencing types defined in the workspace.

There is also compile(JavacArguments arguments, Workspace workspace, List<WorkspaceResource> supplementaryResources, JavacListener listener) which allows you to supply extra classpath data without adding it to the workspace.

Compiling code with debug info enabled

You can enable compiling with debug information by specifying true to the debug with operations in the arguments builder.

JavacArguments arguments = new JavacArgumentsBuilder()

Loading and executing the compiled code

The CompileMap you get out of the CompilerResult is an implementation of Map<String, byte[]>. You can thus use the compilation map directly in a utility like ClassDefiner. Using the hello world classes from the above examples:

CompileMap compilations = result.getCompilations();
ClassDefiner definer = new ClassDefiner(compilations);
try {
    Class<?> helloWorld = definer.findClass("HelloWorld");
    Method main = helloWorld.getDeclaredMethod("main", String[].class);
    main.invoke(null, (Object) new String[0]);
} catch (Exception ex) {


The mapping format manager tracks recognized mapping formats, allowing you to:

  • Iterate over the names of formats supported
  • Create instances of MappingFileFormat based on the supported format name
    • Used to parse mapping files into Recaf's IntermediateMappings model, which can be used in a variety of other mapping APIs.
  • Register new mapping file formats

Iterating over recognized formats

To find out the types of mapping files Recaf supports, invoke getMappingFileFormats() to get a Set<String> of the supported file format names.

// The names in the returned set can be used to create instances of mapping file formats
Set<String> formats = mappingFormatManager.getMappingFileFormats();

Creating MappingFileFormat instances

To create an instance of a MappingFileFormat, invoke createFormatInstance(String) with the name of the supported file format.

// Read contents of file
String fabricMappingContents = Files.readString(Paths.get("yarn-1.18.2+build.2-tiny"));

// Create the mapping format for some recognized type, then parse the mapping file's contents
MappingFileFormat format = mappingFormatManager.createFormatInstance("Tiny-V1");
IntermediateMappings parsedMappings = format.parse(fabricMappingContents);

// Do something with your parsed mappings

Registering new MappingFileFormat instances

To register a new kind of mapping file format, invoke registerFormat(String, Supplier<MappingFileFormat>). The name argument should match the MappingFileFormat.implementationName() of the registered format implementation.

Given this example implementation of a MappingFileFormat:

import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;

public class ExampleFormat extends AbstractMappingFileFormat {
    public ExampleFormat() {
        super("CustomFormat", /* supportFieldTypeDifferentiation */ true,  /* supportVariableTypeDifferentiation */ true);

    public IntermediateMappings parse(@Nonnull String mappingsText) throws InvalidMappingException {
        IntermediateMappings mappings = new IntermediateMappings();

        String[] lines = mappingsText.split("\n");
        for (String line : lines) {
            // 0     1               2
            // class obfuscated-name clean-name
            if (line.startsWith("class\t")) {
                String[] columns = line.split("\t");
                String obfuscatedName = columns[1];
                String cleanName = columns[2];

                // Add class mapping to output
                mappings.addClass(obfuscatedName, cleanName);

            // 0      1                          2               3               4
            // member obfuscated-declaring-class obfuscated-name obfuscated-desc clean-name
            if (line.startsWith("member\t")) {
                String[] columns = line.split("\t");
                String obfuscatedDeclaringClass = columns[1];
                String obfuscatedDesc = columns[3]; // If 'supportFieldTypeDifferentiation == false' then this would be null
                String obfuscatedName = columns[2];
                String cleanName = columns[4];

                // Add field mapping to output
                if (obfuscatedDesc.charAt(0) == '(')
                    mappings.addMethod(obfuscatedDeclaringClass, obfuscatedDesc, obfuscatedName, cleanName);
                    mappings.addField(obfuscatedDeclaringClass, obfuscatedDesc, obfuscatedName, cleanName);

        return mappings;

It should be registered with:

mappingFormatManager.registerFormat("CustomFormat", ExampleFormat::new);


The mapping generator allows you to generate Mappings for a Workspace based on configurable inputs:

  • Filter what classes, fields, and methods should be included in the generated output mappings via a chain of NameGeneratorFilter items
  • Control the naming scheme of classes, fields, and methods via an implementation of NameGenerator

Filtering what to generate mappings for

What we generate mappings for is controlled by a linked-list of NameGeneratorFilter items. Each item in the chain can generalized to "include this" or "exclude this". Here is an example:

StringPredicateProvider strMatchProvider;

// [Access blacklist 'public, protected'] --> [Class whitelist 'com/example/']
//  Any non-public/protected class/field/method in 'com/example' will have a name generated
IncludeClassesFilter includeClasses = new IncludeClassesFilter(null /* tail of linked list */, strMatchProvider.newStartsWithPredicate("com/example/"));
ExcludeModifiersNameFilter excludePublicProtected = new ExcludeModifiersNameFilter(includeClasses, Arrays.asList(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED), true, true, true);

// Use 'excludePublicProtected' as the 'NameGeneratorFilter' to pass as your filter - It is the head of the linked list.

You can use any of the existing NameGeneratorFilter implementations in the package, or make your own.

Controlling the naming scheme

There are a few simple implementations of NameGenerator which can be used as-is, but for more advanced control you'll probably want to make your own. The interface outlines one method for naming each kind of item. Here is a simple implementation:

NameGenerator nameGenerator = new NameGenerator() {
    public String mapClass(@Nonnull ClassInfo info) {
        return "mapped/Class" + Math.abs(info.getName().hashCode());
    public String mapField(@Nonnull ClassInfo owner, @Nonnull FieldMember field) {
        return "mappedField" + Math.abs(owner.getName().hashCode() + info.getName().hashCode());
    public String mapMethod(@Nonnull ClassInfo owner, @Nonnull MethodMember method) {
        return "mappedMethod" + Math.abs(owner.getName().hashCode() + info.getName().hashCode());
    public String mapVariable(@Nonnull ClassInfo owner, @Nonnull MethodMember declaringMethod, @Nonnull LocalVariable variable) {
        return "mappedVar" + variable.getIndex();

Generating the output Mappings

Once you have a NameGenerator and NameGeneratorFilter pass them along to generate(Workspace, WorkspaceResource, InheritanceGraph, NameGenerator, NameGeneratorFilter). The method takes in the Workspace and the WorkspaceResource containing classes you want to generate mappings for. The WorkspaceResouerce will almost always be the workspace's primary resource.

InheritanceGraph inheritanceGraph; // You need the inheritance graph associated with the workspace.

Mappings mappings = mappingGenerator.generate(workspace, resource, inheritanceGraph, nameGenerator, filter);


The mapping listeners service allows you to listen to when mappings are applied to any Workspace.

Listening to mapping operations

Just call addMappingApplicationListener(MappingApplicationListener) with your listener implementation.

Here is an example implementation with some comments explaining the contents of the mapping results model:

class ExampleMappingListener implements MappingApplicationListener {
    public void onPreApply(@Nonnull MappingResults mappingResults) {
        // The mappings that were used to create the results
        Mappings mappings = mappingResults.getMappings();
        // All names of classes *affected* by mappings can be iterated over.
        // If a class was not renamed, but had contents inside it that point to renamed content
        // it will be included in this map and the key/value will be equal.
        // Otherwise, the post-map-name will be the class's renamed name.
        mappingResults.getMappedClasses().forEach((preMapName, postMapName) -> {
            ClassPathNode preMappingPath = mappingResults.getPreMappingPath(preMapName);
            ClassPathNode postMappingPath = mappingResults.getPostMappingPath(postMapName);
            // The 'results' model already has the contents of classes after mapping is applied.
            // They just have not been copied back into the workspace yet.
            ClassInfo preMappedClass = preMappingPath.getValue();
            ClassInfo postMappedClass = postMappingPath.getValue();
    public void onPostApply(@Nonnull MappingResults mappingResults) {
        // The results model is the same as the 'onPreApply' but the workspace has now been
        // updated to replace old classes with the updated instances.


The NameGeneratorProviders service allows you to:

  • See which NameGeneratorProvider are available
  • Register your own NameGeneratorProvider

Get current name providers

// Read-only map of generator ids to generator provider instances
Map<String, NameGeneratorProvider<?>> providers = nameGeneratorProviders.getProviders();

Registering a new NameGeneratorProvider

// AbstractNameGeneratorProvider implements most things for you.
// All that you need to do is pass a unique 'id' in the constructor and implement 'createGenerator()'
nameGeneratorProviders.registerProvider(new AbstractNameGeneratorProvider<>("my-unique-id") {
    public NameGenerator createGenerator() {
        // Create your name generator here


The patch applier applies WorkspacePatch values to a given Workspace.

Generating patches

See PatchProvider:

  • For auto-creating patches based on changes made in an existing Workspace
  • For loading patches from JSON

You could also manually construct the WorkspacePatch instance yourself.

Applying patches

// Optional feedback interface implementation for receiving details about patch failures.
// Can be 'null' to ignore feedback.
PatchFeedback feedback = new PatchFeedback() {
    public void onAssemblerErrorsObserved(@Nonnull List<Error> errors) {
        // assembler patch has failed, patch process abandoned
    public void onIncompletePathObserved(@Nonnull PathNode<?> path) {
        // patch had path that was invalid, patch process abandoned

// If the patch was applied, we return 'true'
// If errors were seen, the patch is abandoned and we return 'false'
boolean success = patchApplier.apply(patch, feedback);


The patch provider facilitates the creation of WorkspacePatch instances.

Generating patches from changes in a workspace

A patch that represents all the changes made to a workspace (Removing files, editing classes, etc) can be made by calling createPath(Workspace).

Workspace workspace = ...
// Some changes to the workspace are made...
// Generate a patch that represents the changes
WorkspacePatch patch = patchProvider.createPatch(workspace);

Reading/writing patches from JSON

Patches can be persisted to a JSON representation via serializePatch(WorkspacePatch) and deserializePatch(Workspace, String).

// Given a 'WorkspacePatch' transform it into JSON.
String serializedJson = patchProvider.serializePatch(patch);

// Given some JSON transform it back into a patch.
// We pass along the workspace that this patch will be applied to.
WorkspacePatch deserializePatch = patchProvider.deserializePatch(workspace, serializedJson);

Applying patches

See PatchApplier


The path exporting manager facilitates exporting various workspace types to files, prompting the user to provide locations to save to

Exporting the current workspace

The currently open workspace can be exported to a user-provided path like so:

try { pathExportingManager.exportCurrent(); }
catch (IllegalStateException ex) { /* no workspace open */ }

Exporting a specific workspace

Any workspace instance can also be exported:


Exporting a specific class/file

Specific Info types like JvmClassInfo and FileInfo can also be exported to user-provided paths:



The path loading manager controls loading Workspace instances in the UI. It has the following capabilities:

  • Register listeners that intercept the java.nio.Path locations to user inputs before the Workspace is constructed from the paths.
  • Asynchronously open a workspace from a java.nio.Path plus supporting resources from a list of java.nio.Path values.
  • Asynchronously append supporting resources to a workspace from a list of java.nio.Path values.

Intercepting user input paths

Registering a listener can allow you to see what file paths a user is requesting to load into Recaf.

private final PathLoadingManager loadManager;

// ...

loadManager.addPreLoadListener((primaryPath, supportingPaths) -> {
    if (supportingPaths.isEmpty())"Loading workspace from {}", primaryPath);
    else"Loading workspace from {} + [{}]", primaryPath, 
  ", ")));

Loading workspace content into Recaf asynchronously

As opposed to directly using WorkspaceManager this class handles things asynchronously since its intended for use in the UI. Here's how you can load a file as a workspace:

private final PathLoadingManager loadManager;\

// ...

Path path = Paths.get("input.jar");
List<Path> supportingPaths = Arrays.asList(Paths.get("library-1.jar"), Paths.get("library-2.jar"));
CompletableFuture<Workspace> future = loadManager.asyncNewWorkspace(path, supportingPaths, 
        error -> logger.warn("Failed to load from '{}'", path));

Adding to the current workspace:

Workspace workspace = workspaceManager.getCurrent();
List<Path> supportingPaths = Arrays.asList(Paths.get("library-1.jar"), Paths.get("library-2.jar"));
CompletableFuture<List<WorkspaceResource>> future = asyncAddSupportingResourcesToWorkspace(workspace, supportingPaths, 
        error -> logger.warn("Failed to append {}",
            .collect(Collectors.joining(", "))));


The phantom generator service allows you to create phantoms for:

  • Entire workspaces at a time
  • One or more specific classes from a workspace

Generating phantoms

For generating phantoms for all primary classes in a workspace:

PhantomGenerator phantomGenerator;

Workspace workspace; // Injected in this example to pull in the 'current' workspace, but it can be any arbitrary workspace

// Most common use case is to then append the phantoms to the workspace 
// so they can be used to suplement other services operating off of the current workspace.
GeneratedPhantomWorkspaceResource phantomResource = phantomGenerator.createPhantomsForWorkspace(workspace);

For generating phantoms for just a few classes:

List<JvmClassInfo> classes = workspace.findJvmClasses(c -> c.getName().startsWith("com/example")).stream()
     .map(path -> path.getValue().asJvmClass())

// Phantoms in the output will only be generated to satisfy missing references in the 'classes' we pass.
GeneratedPhantomWorkspaceResource phantomResource = phantomGenerator.createPhantomsForClasses(workspace, classes);


The resource importer can import a WorkspaceResource from a variety of inputs such as:

  • ByteSource - Delegates to some data-source providing content as a byte[]
  • File - Can point to a file, or directory
  • Path - Can point to a file, or directory
  • URL - Can point to any content source that can be streamed from.
  • URI - Can point to any content source that can be streamed from.

Reading from different content types

When providing content from an in-memory source, ByteSource can be used:

// Any content that can be represented in 'byte[]' can be wrapped into a 'ByteSource'
byte[] helloBytes = "Hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
ByteSource source = ByteSources.wrap(helloBytes);
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(source);

// The utility class 'ByteSources' has a number of helpful methods, example paths:
Path path = Paths.get("test.jar");
ByteSource source = ByteSources.forPath(path);
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(source);

// The utility class 'ZipCreationUtils' also may be useful if you want to easily
//  bundle multiple items together into one source.
// It can make a ZIP from a Map<String, byte[]> or from individual items by using
//  a builder pattern via 'ZipCreationUtils.builder()'.cocc
String name = "com/example/Demo";
byte[] bytes = ...
Map<String, byte[]> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put(name + ".class", bytes);
map.put(JarFileInfo.MULTI_RELEASE_PREFIX + "9/" + name + ".class", bytes);
map.put(JarFileInfo.MULTI_RELEASE_PREFIX + "10/" + name + ".class", bytes);
map.put(JarFileInfo.MULTI_RELEASE_PREFIX + "11/" + name + ".class", bytes);
byte[] zipBytes = ZipCreationUtils.createZip(map);
ByteSource zipSource = ByteSources.wrap(zipBytes);
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(zipSource);

When providing content from an on-disk source, using a File or Path reference can be used:

// NIO Path
Path path = Paths.get("test.jar");
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(path);

// Old IO File
File file = new File("test.jar");
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(file);

When providing content from a URL/URI, content can be either on-disk or remote. So long as streaming for the URL scheme is supported:

// URI from local file
URI uri = File.createTempFile("prefix", "").toURI();
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(uri);

// URL from a remote file
URL url = new URL("");
WorkspaceResource resource = importer.importResource(url);


The script engine is a service used to:

  • Run single Java files as Recaf scripts.
  • Compile single Java files, without running them, and yielding the java.lang.Class of the generated script.

Running scripts

Calling run(String) will asynchronously compile and run the passed script contents. As documented in the scripting section, these can be as short or long as you desire. Here are some examples of varying complexity:

ScriptEngine engine;

// A simple one-liner"System.setProperty(\"foo\", \"bar\");").thenAccept(result -> {
    if (result.wasSuccess())
        System.out.println(System.getPropert("foo")); // Will print "bar"

// Recaf's script system allows you to also define full classes. Any method 'void run()' will be executed.
// It also supports injection of *any* of Recaf's services of *any* scope. If a workspace is currently
// active you can inject it or any workspace-scoped service.
// Check the scripting section for more information.
String code = """
		public class Test implements Runnable {
			JavacCompiler compiler;
			public void run() {
				System.out.println("hello: " + compiler);
				if (compiler == null) throw new IllegalStateException();
    	"""; -> {
    // At this point we printed 'hello: JavacCompiler@71841' or whatever the instance hash is at the moment.

Compiling scripts

If you wish to get the java.lang.Class of the generated script without immediately running it, you can use compile(String) to asynchronously get the compiled class.

engine.compile("System.setProperty(\"foo\", \"bar\");").thenAccept(result -> {
    if (result.wasSuccess()) {
        Class<?> scriptClass = result.cls();
        // Do what you want with the class


The script manager tracks recognized scripts in the Recaf scripts directory. It can also be used to parse arbitrary java.nio.Path items into ScriptFile instances.

Local scripts

In the Recaf root directory a sub-directory named scripts is watched for changes. Any files found in this directory will be checked for being valid scripts and recorded in this manager if they match. You can access these scripts and even listen for when scripts are added and removed via getScriptFiles() which returns an ObservableCollection of ScriptFiles.

// Iterating over the currently known scripts
for (ScriptFile script : scriptManager.getScriptFiles()) {
    // ...

// Listening for changes in local scripts
scriptManager.getScriptFiles().addChangeListener((ob, oldScriptList, newScriptList) -> {
    // The files changed between the old and new list instances
    List<ScriptFile> disjoint = Lists.disjoint(oldScriptList, newScriptList);

Reading files as scripts

To parse a script from a file path call read(Path):

ScriptFile script =""));
String content = script.source();
String metadataName =; // Meta-data not specified in the script file will yield an empty string
String metadataDesc = script.description();
String metadataVersion = script.version();
String metadataAuthor =;
String metadataCustom = script.getTagValue("custom");

See the scripting section for more information about the contents of script files.


The search service allows you to search workspaces:

  • For strings, numbers, and references to classes and/or members
  • With the ability to cancel the search early
  • With the ability to control which classes and files are searched in
  • With the ability to control what results are included in the final output

Query model

All searches are built from Query instances. There are three types of queries:

  • AndroidClassQuery (not yet implemented)
  • JvmClassQuery
  • FileQuery

Each implementation creates a SearchVisitor that handles searching of individual items in the Workspace. Things like string, number, and reference searches all implement each of these query types that they are relevant for. For example the reference search only implements AndroidClassQuery and JvmClassQuery but string search implements all three since strings can appear in any of these places (classes and files).

Searching for common cases like strings, numbers, and references are already implemented as queries and take in predicates for matching content. The following examples assume the following services are injected:

NumberPredicateProvider numMatchProvider;
StringPredicateProvider strMatchProvider;
SearchService searchService;

String querying

Results results =, new StringQuery(strMatchProvider.newEqualPredicate("Hello world")));
Results results =, new StringQuery(strMatchProvider.newStartsWithPredicate("Hello")));
Results results =, new StringQuery(strMatchProvider.newEndsWithPredicate("world")));

All the available built-in predicates come from StringPredicateProvider, or you can provide your own predicate implementation.

Number querying

Results results =, new NumberQuery(numMatchProvider.newEqualsPredicate(4)));
Results results =, new NumberQuery(numMatchProvider.newAnyOfPredicate(6, 32, 256)));
Results results =, new NumberQuery(numMatchProvider.newRangePredicate(0, 10)));

All the available built-in predicates come from NumberPredicateProvider, or you can provide your own predicate implementation.

Reference querying

Each aspect of a reference (declaring class, name, descriptor) are their own string predicates. You pass null to any of these predicates to match anything for that given aspect. A simple example to find System.out.println() calls would look like:

Results results =, new ReferenceQuery(
         strMatchProvider.newEqualPredicate("java/lang/System"),     // declaring class predicate
         strMatchProvider.newEqualPredicate("out"),                  // reference name predicate
         strMatchProvider.newEqualPredicate("Ljava/io/PrintStream;") // reference descriptor predicate

If you want to find all references to a given package you could do something like this:

Results results =, new ReferenceQuery(
         null, // match any field/method name
         null, // match any field/method descriptor

Feedback handler

Passing a feedback handler to the search(...) methods allows you to control what classes and files are searched in by implementing the doVisitClass(ClassInfo) and doVisitFile(FileInfo) methods. Here is a basic example which limits the search to only classes in a given package:

// All methods in the feedback interface default to visit everything, and include all results.
// You can override the 'boolean visitX' methods to control the searching of content within the passed classes/files.
class SkipClassesInPackage implements SearchFeedback {
    private final String pkg;
    SkipClassesInPackage(String pkg) { this.pkg = pkg; }
    public boolean doVisitClass(@Nonnull ClassInfo cls) {
        // Skip if class does not exist in package
        return !cls.getName().startsWith(pkg);
SearchFeedback skipping = new SkipClassesInPackage("com/example/");

To control the early abortion of a search you would implement hasRequestedCancellation() to return true after some point. A basic built in class can exists:

// There is a built-in cancellable search implementation.
CancellableSearchFeedback cancellable = new CancellableSearchFeedback();

// Aborts the current search that this feedback is associated with.

To limit which results are included in the final Results of the search(...) call, implementdoAcceptResult(Result<?>) to return false for results you want to discard. Since the Result contains a PathNode reference to where the match was made at, its probably what you'll want to operate on to implement your own filtering. Here is an example which limits the final Results to include only one item per class:

// This is a silly example, but we really just want to show off how you'd implement this, not how to make a real-world implementation.
class OnlyOneResultPerClass implements SearchFeedback {
    private Set<String> includedClassNames = new HashSet<>();
    public boolean doAcceptResult(@Nonnull Result<?> result) {
        PathNode<?> pathToValue = result.getPath();
        // Get the class value in the path to the value.
        // If the path points to something more specific like a instruction in a method, then
        // this will be the class that defines te method with that instruction in it.
        ClassInfo classPathValue = pathToValue.getValueOfType(ClassInfo.class);
        if (classPathValue != null && !includedClassNames.add(classPathValue.getName())) {
            // If we've already seen a result from this class, skip all the remaining results
            // so that there is only one result per class.
            return false;
        // Keep the result in the output
        return true;


The snippet manager is used to store common snippets of assembler text that users can copy and paste into the assembler UI.


Snippets are a simple record with three components:

  • name - The name, also used as the key for snippet manager operations.
  • description - The optional explanation of what the snippet is for. If no such value is given this should be an empty string.
  • content - The actual snippet body

Getting current snippets

// Snapshot of existing snippets
List<Snippet> snippets = snippetManager.getSnippets();

// Getting a snippet by name
Snippet example = snippetManager.getByName("example");

Registering / unregistering snippets

// Create and register 'System.out.println("Hello")'
String content = """
        getstatic java/lang/System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
        ldc "hello"
        invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V
snippetManager.putSnippet(new Snippet("hello", "prints 'hello'", content));

// Unregistering it

Listening to the creation/removal/modification of snippets

SnippetListener listener = new SnippetListener() {
	public void onSnippetAdded(@Nonnull Snippet snippet) {
		System.out.println("NEW: " +;
	public void onSnippetModified(@Nonnull Snippet old, @Nonnull Snippet current) {
		System.out.println("MOD: " +;
	public void onSnippetRemoved(@Nonnull Snippet snippet) {
		System.out.println("DEL: " +;


The attach manager allows you to:

  • Access the current workspace
  • Set the current workspace
  • Add listeners to be notified of:
    • New workspaces being opened
    • Workspaces being closed
    • Changes to existing workspaces (The model, not the content) being made

Accessing the current workspace

The current workspace is accessed via getWorkspace().

Workspace workspace = workspaceManager.getWorkspace();
if (workspace != null) {
    // ...
} else {
    // No workspace open

This method is also annotated with @Produces and @Dependent which allows @Inject to operate on other @Dependent classes & scripts.

@Inject Constructor(Workspace workspace) {
    if (workspace != null) {
           // ...
    } else {
        // No workspace open

Setting the workspace

Assigning a workspace is done via setWorkspace(Workspace). You can "unset" or close a workspace by passing null or by calling closeCurrent().

Workspace workspace = // ..

// These two calls behave the same

In case the case where a WorkspaceCloseCondition has been registered the request to close a workspace can be blocked. Consider that when you are using the GUI and you close a file you are asked "Are you sure?" before closing the workspace. To ensure any potential cause of closing the workspace is handled this is achieved by a registering a WorkspaceCloseCondition in the UI which requires answering the prompt before allowing the close to occur.

While it is not recommended you can circumvent such conditions by using setCurrentIgnoringConditions(Workspace) instead of setWorkspace(Workspace).

Listening for new workspaces

Register a WorkspaceOpenListener.

workspaceManager.addWorkspaceOpenListener(workspace -> {
    // Operate on newly opened workspace

Listening to workspace closures

Register a WorkspaceCloseListener. Mostly useful for read-only handling such as logging.

workspaceManager.addWorkspaceCloseListener(workspace -> {
    // Operate on closed workspace

Similarly you can have a WorkspaceCloseCondition if you want to listen to and prevent workspace closures.

workspaceManager.addWorkspaceCloseCondition(workspace -> {
    // Returning 'false' will prevent a workspace from being closed.
    if (shouldPreventClosure(workspace)) return false;
    return true;

Listening to workspace structure modifications

Normally you would add a WorkspaceModificationListener on a specific Workspace but in the WorkspaceManager you can add a "default" WorkspaceModificationListener which is added to all newly opened workspaces.

workspaceManager.addDefaultWorkspaceModificationListeners(new WorkspaceModificationListener() {
    public void onAddLibrary(@Nonnull Workspace workspace, @Nonnull WorkspaceResource library) {
        // Supporting library added to workspace
    public void onRemoveLibrary(@Nonnull Workspace workspace, @Nonnull WorkspaceResource library) {
        // Supporting library removed from workspace

Workspace scoped services

These services are available for injection only while a workspace is open. When a workspace is closed you will not be able to inject instances of these types until the next workspace is opened.


These are the services defined in the core module.


These are no new services defined in the ui module.


The aggregate mapping manager maintains an AggregatedMappings instance (which extends IntermediateMappings) representing the sum of all mapping operations applied to the current workspace.

Getting the aggregate mappings

To do feature A you do XYZ, here is a sample.

@Inject AggregateMappingManager aggManager;

// Get the mappings on-demand
AggregatedMappings mappings = aggManager.getAggregatedMappings();

// Register a listener to be notified of changes
aggManager.addAggregatedMappingsListener(mappings -> {
    // Called when any workspace mapping are applied


The InheritanceGraph allows you to navigate between methods, linked by calls to one another.

Graph readiness

The call graph is populated in the background when a workspace is loaded and is not immediately ready for use. Before you attempt to use graph operations check the value of the graph's ObservableBoolean isReady() method. You can register a listener on the ObservableBoolean to operate immediately once it is ready.

ObservableBoolean ready = graph.isReady();

// Use a listener to wait until the graph is ready for use
ready.addChangeListener((ob, old, current) -> {
	if (current) {
		// do things

// Or use a sleep loop, or any other blocking mechanism
while (!ready.getValue()) {

Getting an entry point

The graph is has its vertices bundled by which class defines each method. So to get your entry-point vertex in the graph you need the JvmClassInfo reference of the class defining the method you want to look at.

// Given this example
class Foo {
    public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("hello"); }

// Get the class reference
ClassPathNode clsPath = workspace.findJvmClass("com/example/Foo");
if (clsPath == null) return;
JvmClassInfo cls = clsPath.getValue().asJvmClass();

// Get the methods container for the class
ClassMethodsContainer containerMain = graph.getClassMethodsContainer(cls);

// Get the method in the container by name/descriptor
MethodVertex mainVertex = containerMain.getVertex("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");

The MethodVertex has methods for:

  • Giving current information about the method definition
    • MethodRef getMethod() - Holds String values outlining the declared method and its defining class. Always present.
    • MethodMember getResolvedMethod() - Holds workspace references to the declared method, may be null if the declaring class type and/or method couldn't be found in the workspace.
  • Getting methods that this definition calls to
    • Collection<MethodVertex> getCalls()
  • Getting methods that call this definition
    • Collection<MethodVertex> getCallers()

Following the example from before, we should see that the only call from main is PrintStream.println(String).

for (MethodVertex call : mainVertex.getCalls()) { // Only one value
    MethodRef ref = call.getMethod();
    String owner = ref.owner(); // Will be 'java/io/PrintStream'
    String name =; // Will be 'println'
    String desc = ref.desc(); // Will be '(Ljava/lang/String;)V'

Similarly if you looked up the vertex for PrintStream.println(String) and checked getCallers() you would find Foo.main(String[]).


The InheritanceGraph allows you, for any given class, to see all of its parent types (Those that it extends/implements) and its child types (Those that extend/implement it).

Parents and children

We will use the following classes for the following examples:

interface Edible {}
interface Red {}
class Apple implements Edible, Red {}
class AppleWithWorm extends Apple {}
class Grape implements Edible {}

class Edible {
class Red {
class Apple {
class AppleWithWorm {
class Grape {

Edible <|-- Grape
Edible <|-- Apple
Apple *-- AppleWithWorm
Red <|-- Apple

Accessing parent types

You can access direct parents with getParents() which returns a Set<InheritanceVertex>, or parents() which returns a Stream<InheritanceVertex>. Direct parents include the class's super-type and any interfaces implemented directly by the class. For example AppleWithWorm will implement Edible and Red but these are not direct parents since those are not declared on the class definition.

You can access all parents with getAllParents() which returns a Set<InheritanceVertex>, or allParents() which returns a Stream<InheritanceVertex>.

InheritanceVertex apple = graph.getVertex("Apple");
InheritanceVertex wormApple = graph.getVertex("AppleWithWorm");
InheritanceVertex red = graph.getVertex("Red");

// Get children as a set of graph vertices
//   The set 'appleParents' will have 2 elements: Edible, Red
//   The set 'wormAppleParents' will have 1 element: Apple
//   The set 'wormAppleAllParents' will have 3 element: Apple, Edible, Red
//   The set 'redParents' will be empty
Set<InheritanceVertex> appleParents = apple.getParents();
Set<InheritanceVertex> wormAppleParents = wormApple.getParents();
Set<InheritanceVertex> wormAppleAllParents = wormApple.getAllParents();
Set<InheritanceVertex> redParents = red.getParents();

// Alternative: Stream<InheritanceVertex>

Accessing child types

You can access direct children with getChildren() which returns a Set<InheritanceVertex>, or children() which returns a Stream<InheritanceVertex>. Direct children are just the reverse order of direct parents as described above.

You can access all children with getAllChildren() which returns a Set<InheritanceVertex>, or allChildren() which returns a Stream<InheritanceVertex>.

InheritanceVertex apple = graph.getVertex("Apple");
InheritanceVertex wormApple = graph.getVertex("AppleWithWorm");
InheritanceVertex red = graph.getVertex("Red");

// Get children as a set of graph vertices
//   The set 'appleChildren' will have 1 element: AppleWithWorm
//   The set 'wormChildren' will be empty
//   The set 'redChildren' will have 1 element: Apple
//   The set 'redAllChildren' will have 2 elements: Apple, AppleWithWorm
Set<InheritanceVertex> appleChildren = apple.getChildren();
Set<InheritanceVertex> wormChildren = wormApple.getChildren();
Set<InheritanceVertex> redChildren = red.getChildren();
Set<InheritanceVertex> redAllChildren = red.getAllChildren();

// Alternative: Stream<InheritanceVertex>

Accessing complete type hierarchy (parents and children)

You can access direct children & parents with getAllDirectVertices() which combines the results of getChildren() and getParents().

You can access all related vertices with getFamily(boolean includeObject) which will is an recursive calling of getAllDirectVerticies(). If you pass true it will include all types that are not edge-cases described below in the edge-case section. You will probably only ever pass false to getFamily(...).

// Direct will contain: Edible, Red, AppleWithWorm
Set<InheritanceVertex> appleDirects = apple.getAllDirectVertices();

// Family will contain: Edible, Red, AppleWithWorm, Apple (itself), Grape
//  - Grape will be included because of the shared parent Edible
Set<InheritanceVertex> appleFamily = apple.getFamily(false);

Edge case: Classes without super-types

All classes must define a super-type. Each time you define a new class it will implictly extend java/lang/Object unless it is an enum which then it will extend java/lang/Enum which extends java/lang/Object. There are only a few exceptions to these rules.

Module classes, denoted by their name module-info do not define super-types. Their super-type index in the class file points to index 0 which is an edge case treated as null in this situation.

The Object class also has no super-type, for obvious enough reasons.

The inheritance graph accommodates for these edge cases. It may be useful information for you to know regardless.

Edge case: Cyclic inheritance from obfuscators

Some obfuscators may create classes that are unused in the application logic, but exist solely to screw with analysis tools. Consider the following example:

class A extends B {}
class B extends A {}
A *-- B
B *-- A

This code will not compile, but there is nothing stopping an obfuscator from creating these classes. If an analysis tool naively tries to find all parents of A it will look at B then A again, then B and you have yourself an infinite loop.

The inheritance graph tracks what types in a hierarchy have already been visited and short-circuits hierarchy searches in paths where it finds cycles.

Getting the common type of two classes

You can get the common type of any two classes by passing their names to InheritanceGraph's getCommon(String a, String b) method.

// common will be 'Edible'
String common = graph.getCommon("Apple", "Grape");
class Edible {
class Apple {
class Grape {

note for Edible "Common parent of Apple and Grape"

Edible <|-- Apple
Edible <|-- Grape


The mapping applier takes in a Mappings instance and applies it to the workspace, or a sub-set of specific classes.

Mapping the whole workspace

To apply mappings to the workspace (affecting classes in the primary resource) pass any Mappings of your choice to applyToPrimaryResource(Mappings).

Mappings mappings = ...

// Create the results containing the mapped output
MappingResults results = applier.applyToPrimaryResource(mappings);

Mapping specific classes

To apply mappings to just a few specific classes, use applyToClasses(Mappings, WorkspaceResource, JvmClassBundle, Collection<JvmClassInfo>).

// Example inputs
Mappings mappings = ...
WorkspaceResource resource = ...
JvmClassBundle bundle = ... // A bundle in the resource
List<JvmClassInfo> classesToMap = ... // Classes in the bundle

// Create the results containing the mapped output
MappingResults results = applier.applyToClasses(mappings, resource, bundle, classesToMap);

Operating on the results

The MappingsResults you get from MappingsApplier contains a summary of:

  • The mappings used
  • The classes that will be affected
    • The paths to classes in their existing state
    • The paths to classes in their post-mapping state

To apply the results call apply().

// Optional: Inspect the results
// =============================
// Names of affected classes: pre-mapped name --> post-mapped name
//  - If the class was updated because it contains a mapped reference but was itself not mapped
//    then the key/value are equal
Map<String, String> mappedClasses = results.getMappedClasses();
// Map of pre-mapped names to paths into the workspace of the class
Map<String, ClassPathNode> preMappingPaths = results.getPreMappingPaths();
// Map of post-mapped names to paths into the workspace at the location they
// would appear at after applying the results.
Map<String, ClassPathNode> postMappingPaths = results.getPostMappingPaths();

// Apply the mapping results (updates the workspace)


There are quite a few utility classes in Recaf that all serve as independent units or holders of various static utility methods.

Core util groups

UI util groups

  • None


A collection of android utilities.

  • AndroidRes
  • AndroidXmlUtil
  • DexIOUtil

ASM Visitors

A collection of ASM visitors for various class transformations.

  • AnnotationArrayVisitor
  • BogusNameRemovingVisitor
  • ClassAnnotationInsertingVisitor
  • ClassAnnotationRemovingVisitor
  • ClassHollowingVisitor
  • DuplicateAnnotationRemovingVisitor
  • FieldAnnotationInsertingVisitor
  • FieldAnnotationRemovingVisitor
  • FieldInsertingVisitor
  • FieldReplacingVisitor
  • IllegalAnnotationRemovingVisitor
  • IllegalSignatureRemovingVisitor
  • IndexCountingMethodVisitor
  • LongAnnotationRemovingVisitor
  • MemberCopyingVisitor
  • MemberFilteringVisitor
  • MemberRemovingVisitor
  • MemberStubAddingVisitor
  • MethodAnnotationInsertingVisitor
  • MethodAnnotationRemovingVisitor
  • MethodInsertingVisitor
  • MethodNoopingVisitor
  • MethodReplacingVisitor
  • SignatureRemovingVisitor
  • SyntheticRemovingVisitor
  • VariableRemovingClassVisitor
  • VariableRemovingMethodVisitor


A collection of IO utilities.

  • ByteSource
    • ByteArraySource
    • ByteBufferSource
    • LocalFileHeaderSource
    • MemorySegmentDataSource
    • PathByteSource
  • ByteSourceConsumer
  • ByteSourceElement
  • ByteSources


A collection of threading utilities.

  • CountDown
  • ExecutorServiceDelegate
  • PhasingExecutorService
  • ScheduledExecutorServiceDelegate
  • ThreadPoolFactory
  • ThreadUtil


A collection of unsorted utilities.

  • AccessFlag
  • AccessPatcher
  • BlwUtil
  • ByteHeaderUtil
  • CancelSignal
  • ClassDefiner
  • ClassLoaderInternals
  • ClasspathUtil
  • CollectionUtil
  • DesktopUtil
  • DevDetection
  • EscapeUtil
  • Handles
  • InternalPath
  • IOUtil
  • JavaVersion
  • JigsawUtil
  • Keywords
  • LookupUtil
  • MemoizedFunctions
  • ModulesIOUtil
  • MultiMap
  • MultiMapBuilder
  • NumberUtil
  • PlatformType
  • ReflectUtil
  • RegexUtil
  • ResourceUtil
  • SelfReferenceUtil
  • ShortcutUtil
  • Streams
  • StringDiff
  • StringUtil
  • TestEnvironment
  • Types
  • UnsafeIO
  • UnsafeUtil
  • ZipCreationUtils


The ClassDefiner is a utility extending ClassLoader which takes in one or more classes as a Map<String, byte[]> and defines them at runtime.

  • Keys are the class name format you'd use for Class.forName(String) and thus would look like java.lang.String.
  • Values are the raw bytes of the class file.


String name = "com/example/StringMapper"; // Internal name format
String sourceName = name.replace('/', '.'); // Source name format

// Example code to generate an interface
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0);
cw.visit(V1_8, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_INTERFACE, name, "java/lang/Object", null, null);
cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "map", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;", null, null);
byte[] bytes = cw.toByteArray();

// Definer with a single class
ClassDefiner cd = new ClassDefiner(sourceName, bytes);

// Definer with a map of entries
ClassDefiner cd = new ClassDefiner(Map.of(sourceName, bytes));

// Loading the class
Class<?> cls = definer.findClass(sourceName);


Developer articles that don't really fit anywhere else.

How to improve test cases

Tests serve a variety of purposes.

  1. Validate a feature does what it is supposed to.
  2. Validate changes to a feature do not break its expected supported usage.

But there are some additional things you can write in your test cases that may be useful.

  1. Validate a feature fails gracefully when given invalid inputs.
  2. Validate a feature works, even when given as many edge-cases as possible, as opposed to "common" input data.

How can you quickly tell what circumstances are covered by test cases though? The obvious option is to read the test cases and figure that out yourself. Ideally, the names of tests are descriptive enough to limit the amount of required reading for that. But there are additional options such as looking at test coverage and checking for branches that are not covered by tests.

Checking code coverage

You can check what branches in the source are covered by running the tests via gradlew test and then build the coverage report via gradlew buildJacocoAggregate. All tests are configured to log coverage data via JaCoCo, and the buildJacocoAggregate task generates a report consolidating coverage from all tests in all modules into a single report. You can access the report in ./build/aggregate/.

The main index page of the report shows a table of package's coverage

The main index page in the HTML report is a table showing which packages have the best code coverage. You can click on the packages to get data on each class in the package.

The table of a package's coverage shows per-class stats

Clicking on a class shows per-method coverage.

The table of a class's coverage shows per-method stats

Clicking on a method finally shows you the actual class source code, with information on coverage showed as line indicators. Clicking/hovering on them will reveal information like "1 out of 2 branches covered".

Green means all branches are covered. Yellow means some were covered. Red means the code was missed.

Naturally the more code that is covered the better. So using these reports to figure out where coverage is missing from really helps.

Why not use the built-in IntelliJ code-coverage feature when running unit tests?

Unfortunately, IntelliJ's code coverage support refuses to run if you attempt to run tests across multiple modules. Its been an open ticket since 2022 with no observed movement. You can use it if you test one module like recaf-core then another such as recaf-ui one after another, but you cannot combine those results together. If you just want to improve coverage over the recaf-core module then this is not an issue and you can use it to get accurate coverage data shown inline in the IDE.

Running a single module's tests in IntelliJ with code-coverage enabled.

The results of running tests with code-coverage show a table of packages/classes and how much of the methods/lines are covered. In the code display, lines are colored to show which have been fully covered, partially covered, and completely missed during the test execution.

Checking code coverage online

If you want to see the current code coverage statistics and color-coded source without running the tests locally you can check out the latest report. Do note that the way that CodeCov measures is slightly different than how JaCoCo measures coverage so the numbers may not match, but should generally be in the same ballpark.

Screenshot of the code-coverage summary from October 2024. Recaf has a reported average of 70% code coverage across the project.

Configuring annotations in IntelliJ

To cut down on the number of problems with NullPointerException nullability annotations are heavily used in Recaf's source. With an IDE's support this can catch problems early on.

Explicit nulls passed to method with parameters marked as Nonnull display warnings.

The Nullable annotation isn't needed here, but is useful for documentation purposes. Even without it IntelliJ will warn that the call to the call to splitNewlineSkipEmpty may be taking in a possible null value.

You'll want to make it so that @Nonnull and @Nullable are recognized by IntelliJ. The settings you'll want to change are highlighted here.

This first image makes it so that method overrides/implementations with missing annotations from their parent types show a warning, and allow you to automatically insert these missing annotations. Plus, when you use IntelliJ to automatically implement methods from a abstract class or interface these interfaces will be copied for you.

This second image makes it so the Jakarta Nonnull and Nullable annotations used in the project are recognized by IntelliJ. This allows us to have a basic system for tracking nullability. You'll also want to ensure the default annotation is the Jakarta one after you add it to the list.

Methods that can return null or parameters that may be null should be marked with Nullable. Any time one of these is used, it will warn you when you do not have an appropriate null check on a value.

Similarly, any method/parameter that should not be null should be marked with Nonnull. We use a plugin that generates null checks at compile time, so the contract for non-null is enforced at runtime.

Faster builds in IntelliJ

Open your IntelliJ settings once the project is open and navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle. Change the "using" options to IDEA instead of Gradle.

Changing the Gradle settings to build using IDEA instead of Gradle speeds things up a lot.

You will need to do gradlew build at least once before doing this to create a few files created by the build script.