
The info importer can import a Info from a ByteSource. Since Info defines isClass/asClass and isFile/asFile you can determine what sub-type the item is through those methods, or instanceof checks.


Reading a class file:

// Wrap input in ByteSource.
byte[] classBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("HelloWorld.class"));
ByteSource source = ByteSources.wrap(classBytes);

// Parse into an info object.
Info read = importer.readInfo("HelloWorld", source);

// Cast to 'JvmClassInfo' with 'asX' methods
JvmClassInfo classInfo = read.asClass().asJvmClass();

// Or use instanceof
if (read instanceof JvmClassInfo classInfo) {
	// ...

Reading a generic file and doing an action based off the type of content it is (Like text/images/video/audio/etc):

// Wrap input in ByteSource.
byte[] textRaw = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("Unknown.dat"));
ByteSource source = ByteSources.wrap(textRaw);

// Parse into an info object.
Info read = importer.readInfo("Unknown.dat", source);

// Do action based on file type.
FileInfo readFile = read.asFile();
if (readFile.isTextFile()) {
	TextFileInfo textFile = readFile.asTextFile();
	String text = textFile.getText();
	// ...
} else if (readFile.isVideoFile()) {
	VideoFileInfo videoFile = readFile.asVideoFile();
	// ...