
The path loading manager controls loading Workspace instances in the UI. It has the following capabilities:

  • Register listeners that intercept the java.nio.Path locations to user inputs before the Workspace is constructed from the paths.
  • Asynchronously open a workspace from a java.nio.Path plus supporting resources from a list of java.nio.Path values.
  • Asynchronously append supporting resources to a workspace from a list of java.nio.Path values.

Intercepting user input paths

Registering a listener can allow you to see what file paths a user is requesting to load into Recaf.

private final PathLoadingManager loadManager;

// ...

loadManager.addPreLoadListener((primaryPath, supportingPaths) -> {
    if (supportingPaths.isEmpty())"Loading workspace from {}", primaryPath);
    else"Loading workspace from {} + [{}]", primaryPath, 
  ", ")));

Loading workspace content into Recaf asynchronously

As opposed to directly using WorkspaceManager this class handles things asynchronously since its intended for use in the UI. Here's how you can load a file as a workspace:

private final PathLoadingManager loadManager;\

// ...

Path path = Paths.get("input.jar");
List<Path> supportingPaths = Arrays.asList(Paths.get("library-1.jar"), Paths.get("library-2.jar"));
CompletableFuture<Workspace> future = loadManager.asyncNewWorkspace(path, supportingPaths, 
        error -> logger.warn("Failed to load from '{}'", path));

Adding to the current workspace:

Workspace workspace = workspaceManager.getCurrent();
List<Path> supportingPaths = Arrays.asList(Paths.get("library-1.jar"), Paths.get("library-2.jar"));
CompletableFuture<List<WorkspaceResource>> future = asyncAddSupportingResourcesToWorkspace(workspace, supportingPaths, 
        error -> logger.warn("Failed to append {}",
            .collect(Collectors.joining(", "))));