
The patch provider facilitates the creation of WorkspacePatch instances.

Generating patches from changes in a workspace

A patch that represents all the changes made to a workspace (Removing files, editing classes, etc) can be made by calling createPath(Workspace).

Workspace workspace = ...
// Some changes to the workspace are made...
// Generate a patch that represents the changes
WorkspacePatch patch = patchProvider.createPatch(workspace);

Reading/writing patches from JSON

Patches can be persisted to a JSON representation via serializePatch(WorkspacePatch) and deserializePatch(Workspace, String).

// Given a 'WorkspacePatch' transform it into JSON.
String serializedJson = patchProvider.serializePatch(patch);

// Given some JSON transform it back into a patch.
// We pass along the workspace that this patch will be applied to.
WorkspacePatch deserializePatch = patchProvider.deserializePatch(workspace, serializedJson);

Applying patches

See PatchApplier