
The attach manager allows you to:

  • Access the current workspace
  • Set the current workspace
  • Add listeners to be notified of:
    • New workspaces being opened
    • Workspaces being closed
    • Changes to existing workspaces (The model, not the content) being made

Accessing the current workspace

The current workspace is accessed via getWorkspace().

Workspace workspace = workspaceManager.getWorkspace();
if (workspace != null) {
    // ...
} else {
    // No workspace open

This method is also annotated with @Produces and @Dependent which allows @Inject to operate on other @Dependent classes & scripts.

@Inject Constructor(Workspace workspace) {
    if (workspace != null) {
           // ...
    } else {
        // No workspace open

Setting the workspace

Assigning a workspace is done via setWorkspace(Workspace). You can "unset" or close a workspace by passing null or by calling closeCurrent().

Workspace workspace = // ..

// These two calls behave the same

In case the case where a WorkspaceCloseCondition has been registered the request to close a workspace can be blocked. Consider that when you are using the GUI and you close a file you are asked "Are you sure?" before closing the workspace. To ensure any potential cause of closing the workspace is handled this is achieved by a registering a WorkspaceCloseCondition in the UI which requires answering the prompt before allowing the close to occur.

While it is not recommended you can circumvent such conditions by using setCurrentIgnoringConditions(Workspace) instead of setWorkspace(Workspace).

Listening for new workspaces

Register a WorkspaceOpenListener.

workspaceManager.addWorkspaceOpenListener(workspace -> {
    // Operate on newly opened workspace

Listening to workspace closures

Register a WorkspaceCloseListener. Mostly useful for read-only handling such as logging.

workspaceManager.addWorkspaceCloseListener(workspace -> {
    // Operate on closed workspace

Similarly you can have a WorkspaceCloseCondition if you want to listen to and prevent workspace closures.

workspaceManager.addWorkspaceCloseCondition(workspace -> {
    // Returning 'false' will prevent a workspace from being closed.
    if (shouldPreventClosure(workspace)) return false;
    return true;

Listening to workspace structure modifications

Normally you would add a WorkspaceModificationListener on a specific Workspace but in the WorkspaceManager you can add a "default" WorkspaceModificationListener which is added to all newly opened workspaces.

workspaceManager.addDefaultWorkspaceModificationListeners(new WorkspaceModificationListener() {
    public void onAddLibrary(@Nonnull Workspace workspace, @Nonnull WorkspaceResource library) {
        // Supporting library added to workspace
    public void onRemoveLibrary(@Nonnull Workspace workspace, @Nonnull WorkspaceResource library) {
        // Supporting library removed from workspace