The phantom generator service allows you to create phantoms for:
- Entire workspaces at a time
- One or more specific classes from a workspace
Generating phantoms
For generating phantoms for all primary classes in a workspace:
PhantomGenerator phantomGenerator;
Workspace workspace; // Injected in this example to pull in the 'current' workspace, but it can be any arbitrary workspace
// Most common use case is to then append the phantoms to the workspace
// so they can be used to suplement other services operating off of the current workspace.
GeneratedPhantomWorkspaceResource phantomResource = phantomGenerator.createPhantomsForWorkspace(workspace);
For generating phantoms for just a few classes:
List<JvmClassInfo> classes = workspace.findJvmClasses(c -> c.getName().startsWith("com/example")).stream()
.map(path -> path.getValue().asJvmClass())
// Phantoms in the output will only be generated to satisfy missing references in the 'classes' we pass.
GeneratedPhantomWorkspaceResource phantomResource = phantomGenerator.createPhantomsForClasses(workspace, classes);